Growing up, the Lincoln Memorial and Capitol Mall was important to me in symbolizing famous speeches and historic events.  In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his amazing “I have a Dream” speech to over 250,000 people.  The mall, viewed from either end is stunning, and has been used in many historic films.

Less than 4 years ago, I quit my 19-year, good paying job to co-develop a product that was eventually selected by the White House Communications Agency for use by the President and Vice-President.  One of my motivators in starting TeleStepper was an old fortune cookie message I kept from college.  It simply read, “Your dreams are your best guide to the future.”

This past weekend I was both gratified and proud to see our TeleStepper used by President Trump in addressing thousands on the historic Capitol Mall.  And later in the day, it was again used at Mt. Rushmore for our nation’s 244th birthday celebration.

While this past weekend was important to our country and history, it was also important to me in knowing our team produced an American-made product that made these speeches possible.

This post is about TeleStepper’s journey in the business world, and a silly fortune cookie message that became a motivator.  Like Dr. Martin Luther King, I also had a dream and I hope others will realize that dreams are worth listening to!

Thom Tanner

July 22, 2020